Renting a Spica
It’s easy to rent a Spica wheelchair from us. Our post-operative Spica wheelchair has been designed primarily for children and young adults in hip spica casts. It can accommodate the width of the cast, however, it can be used for other requirements such as radial leg extension braces.

Returning to the comfort of home
We make the Chunc Spica available on a rental basis to facilitate early discharge from the hospital environment to the comfort and security of your own home.
Phone us direct: 01432 377 512 or complete our contact us form and we will get back to you, to talk you through this step by step.
We supply many NHS faciliteis including childrens hospitals, specialist rehabiliation centre and spinal units across the UK, as well as many private hospitals.
Everybody’s needs are individual – your healthcare team will decide what is required to support discharge home. Your hospital will send us a referral form to generate a quote and proposed date of surgery. We cannot proceed without an official purchase order. Once surgery has been completed, we will confirm timeframe to arrange set up and commission of the Spica. This may be at hospital or after discharge home.
We cannot successfully fit the Chunc Spica wheelchair to your child until after surgery, as casts are very specific to each child. However, when the surgery is complete and the child is well enough to be seated – we will work with you to arrange delivery as quick as possible.
Chunc will work with your OT/Physiotherapist to accommodate your child’s needs. Our expert wheelchair technicians have everything they need on their vehicles to adjust the Chunc Spica Wheelchair when out in the field, ensuring we can achieve the correct fit and posture management for your child.
The Chunc Spica wheelchair has the standard feature which we call “tilt” to enable improved comfort during the day. You can relax the angle of the back of the chair from zero to forty-five degrees, and all points in between. Twenty degrees is normally considered a comfortable position to sit, and forty-five is perfect for a snooze. The chair is still stable and can be comfortably be pushed around at the forty-five-degree angle if need be.
Obviously, we DO NOT recommend extended periods of sitting in the Spica wheelchair, so please take direction from your OT/Physio.
The minimum rental period is 3 weeks. The period of rental will be agreed when order is placed, We are happy to extend this if you need extra time – simply let us know. The chair rental can be extended at a rate of £95.00 per week
It is easy to return your Spica Wheelchair, just call: 01432 377 512 to make arrangements, and we will collect it from you at your convenience.
All of our rental Spica Wheelchairs, go through a vigorous decontamination process on return of the wheelchair. They also go through quality inspection making sure everything is in perfect working order, before they go back out for rental. We also dry-clean all fabric covers so you are assured they are thoroughly sanitised before use.
From 3 years old, up to 6’4” the Chunc wheelchair range can be easily adapted to accommodate differing seat and back lengths and widths. Take a look at our prescription form. This will assist the initial wheelchair selection and set-up.
Please be aware that there are 2 models available specific to the type of surgery:
Hip – accommodating spica cast, hip brace, broom stick, full leg cast
Spine – accommodating for spinal rods, correction of Scoliosis.
Each chair will be set up to suit the needs of the individual. We are all unique, there is no size fits all, we will also adjust for all other anomalies caused by the cast when we commission. For an existing wheelchair user, the Spica can offer continuity of postural and pressure needs during the period of rehabilitation.
The Spica is suitable for indoor and outdoor use however they are not intended for use on rough terrain.
The Chunc Spica is suitable for use as a forward facing seat in a suitably adapted motor vehicle (crash tested to ISO7176-19) It should always be used in conjunction with a four point tie down system with integrated lapbelt and vehicle mounted seatbelt.